What is an Ontario Health Team (OHT)?

Ontario Health Teams (OHT’s) were introduced in 2019 as a new model of care delivery throughout Ontario. The main objective of OHT’s are to provide a fully coordinated continuum of care for patients, even if the care providers do not exist within the same organization. Health care providers work together behind the scenes to establish clear lines of communication, achieve common goals and improve the overall experience for not only the patient but providers too!  There are currently over 50 OHT’s in Ontario and at maturity, all Ontarians will have access to an OHT.

Expected outcomes of OHT’s:

  • Connected patient experience
  • Community Engagement
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Enable digital tools to provide virtual care
  • Care for one defined patient population
  • Single point of clinical and fiscal accountability
  • Defined performance model


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