The Norfolk Seniors Resource Guide is Now Available
November 13, 2024

In an effort to understand gaps and needs in seniors care in our communities, the Brantford Brant Norfolk Ontario Health Team undertook Town Halls to hear the voices of residents and learn from the lived experience of seniors, their families and care partners. One expressed need was a common resource guide to enable easy locating of services and resources in Norfolk County. The guide represents the work and collaboration of service providers in the area to bring an easy to use, accessible source of information at your fingertips. The guide is divided into themes based on resource type and colour coded for easy reference. Available both online and in hard copy at many of the OHT partner locations, the guide is meant as a reference tool to assist with locating local resources and their contact information. The online tool provides easy links to provider websites. Look for the guide on the BBNOHT website!
Click here to view the Norfolk Senior Resource Guide Online!