People With Lived Experience (PWLE)


It is the intent of the Brantford Brant Norfolk Ontario Health Team (BBNOHT) to build trust with the people it serves, and to include them as equal partners in decision-making. In order to meaningfully do that, authentic relationships, with opportunities for people with lived experience to express their views, stories, and ideas freely must be created. The People With Lived Experience committee was formed with these ideals in mind to inform the work of the OHT.

A mutually beneficial relationship:

People with Lived Experience (PWLE):

  • Increases knowledge and understanding of health services
  • Provides an opportunity to become an effective advocate and build skills in a variety of areas (e.g. communication, quality improvement)
  • Allows members to build personal relationships with other members of their community, thereby decreasing isolation
  • Increases knowledge of clinical interventions and treatment
  • Ensures patients are active decision makers and equal partners in system planning

BBNOHT/Community Partners:

  • Provides an effective mechanism for receiving patient/caregiver input
  • Contributes to effective planning so services meet the needs of the community
  • Leads to stronger relationships and cooperation system-wide
  • Keeps systems and procedures grounded and focused on the user experience
  • Contributes to the identification of cost-effective solutions to challenges

We Want To Hear From You!

The People with Lived Experience (PWLE) volunteer network wants to ensure the OHT is focused on redesign based on the needs of not only those using services, but also those whom services are not reaching. This redesign should be centered on real patient/client/family/caregiver experiences.

This means The People with Lived Experience (PWLE) volunteer network is looking for you! This group provides a safe forum to express your views, stories, and ideas freely & contribute to real change in our health care system. The People with Lived Experience work to achieve the goal of improving communication within health care organizations and ensure a coordinated pathway of care.

You can contact us by emailing or completing the form below!

People with Lived Experience Monthly Newsletters

What People are Saying

Join the PWLE network

Seeking people to participate in our working groups with experiences in the following systems:

Mental Health and Addictions



Home and Community Care